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Here's What Ya Do...

OK, with what is happening in the White House, nonsense, and the incompetence of congress, who's in the cabinet offices now, and the murder of unarmed persons of colour by those elected to protect and serve, national trade deals, is it good or bad, the relief aid to Puerto Rico, is it inadequate and is the electricity on, and Flint, Michigan still does not have clean water, I got tired of writing about it. Things just began to happen one right after the other, and there appears to be no end in sight. It has become evident that the time to sit back and complain about matters is far behind us. We as a society must decide if we are to watch life happen to us, or take an active part in whatever life is occurring right in front of us.

It was an absolute pleasure to watch the youth organize and implement a social movement that is bound to affect the current social order. #Black Lives Matter and #Me Too should catch hold of this youth momentum and deepen the affect of this movement. Now, we as individuals have an opinion on the current happenings in life. We, the social minded, need to support this social movement. The youth has gotten much attention and they could use some social encouragement. Here's a few ideas

  1. We can set up an e-mail campaign that will bombard our Senators and House Representatives message centers informing them of our social positions

  2. We can set up petitions gathering all signatures in support of our social positions

And that is only 2 ideas off the top of my head. I am sure that you, the social minded, can come up with many more. Let's begin to discuss what we can do to become apart of life. Remember that social development always begin with the concept of the individual that propels society forward.

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If I may slip in a concept for thought, if the Bible is consulted, I wonder where we would stand within the "signs of the times" scenario. Are we at the part where it is indicated that there would be many hardships, but these are the only the beginning of sorrows. Should this be the case, would I be wrong to consider that things are going to become much more difficult before becoming better? Or are we at the point where it is indicated that this is the pre-curser to the rising of the Anti-Christ? Assuming this is after the false leader that will fool many, and lead those people to their destruction. Or are we in a completely different place within the Bible. Or are we in a particular position according to Mayan beliefs.

- Beane

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